Deep Purple - Rio de Janeiro 08/03/97
I've just read the analysis from other people about the show, so I will
not talk about some details that they explained very well.
I will talk about what the band looks like. Why? It's simple.
I believe in friendship and yesterday night I saw 5 good friends playing
and enjoying themselves.
The audience understood that and mixing respect and happiness watched the
show. A mix of young people and others not so young - like
me 35. The older people sat at the tables, enjoying themselves too.
The music, my goodness - unbelievable.
Lord is playing like i never saw before.
And the others in the band, no comments necessary.
The responsible, of course Mr. Steve Morse - "the fresh air".
He "fight against" Jon all the time. He went up yo Jon,
behind the keyboards, and played eye to eye, laughing.
This feeling makes me believe that this band still have a lot of years
to make a lot of people around the world happy like we are now.
Antonio Ferreira da Silva
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