From: Frank <moeseler@lucy.iskp.uni-bonn.de>
Newsgroups: alt.music.deep-purple
Subject: Deep Purple - Cologne 19.9.96
Date: 20 Sep 1996 07:02:43 GMT
Hi !
Yesterday i saw DP the third time this year. It was a very good concert, but a little bit short. In Essen and Duesseldorf in March of this year, they played three songs more. Bloodsucker, Purpendicular Waltz, Maybe I´m a leo and Somebody stole my guitar were left out. But there for they played the Aviator, which wasn´t played in March. All Players were in a good shape, especially Steve Morse. He was great this evening. Here is the complete setlest of a very good show.
- Fireball
- Ted The Mechanic
- Pictures Of Home
- Black Night
- Cascades: I´m Not Your Lover
- Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
- Woman From Tokyo
- The Aviator
- No One Came
- Rosa´s Cantina
- Smoke On The Water
- When A Blind Man Cries
- Speed King
- Perfect Strangers
- Hey Cisco
- Highway Star
Now I´m looking forward to Heidelberg next week. Hope DP is also in great form, during the last concert in Germany !
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